Origin of the expression "Métro, boulot, dodo"

The phrase "metro, work, sleep" has become a widely used expression to depict the daily routine of countless individuals. However, have you ever wondered about the origins of this phrase and how it gained such popularity? In this article, we will delve into the roots of this expression and trace its evolution throughout history.
The Origins of the Expression
The expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" first emerged in France during the 1960s. During that period, the metro served as the primary mode of transportation for commuting to work, hence its inclusion in the expression. "Boulot" refers to employment, while "sleep" symbolizes the daily routine of waking up early, going to work, and going to bed late.
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Its Use in Popular Culture
Over the years, the expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" has gained increasing popularity in France and has even been incorporated into songs, movies, and books. In 1962, French singer Jacques Dutronc released a song titled "And Me, And Me, And Me," which featured the lyrics "Métro, Boulot, Dodo, there are no problems, only solutions." This song played a significant role in popularizing the expression among the general public.
Its Use in Other Countries
Although the expression originated in France, it is also used in other French-speaking countries such as Belgium and Canada. In these nations, the expression is often employed to describe the daily routine of urban workers.
Its Evolution Over Time
Over the years, the expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" has evolved to encompass other aspects of daily life. For instance, some people add "Métro, Boulot, Apéro, Dodo" to include leisure time after work. Others add "métro, boulot, famille, dodo" to incorporate family responsibilities. This evolution demonstrates how individuals have adopted and adapted the expression to describe their own daily routines.
Its Use in the World of Work
Today, the expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" is frequently used to portray the monotonous and exhausting routine of the working world. This can be attributed to the constant pressure to succeed and the challenge of finding a balance between professional and personal life. However, some individuals use the expression humorously to describe their busy professional lives.
For the Record
In summary, the expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" originated in France and first emerged in the 1960s. Over time, it has become a commonly used phrase to describe the daily routine of many individuals. Its usage has extended to other French-speaking countries and has evolved to encompass other aspects of daily life. While it can be used to describe the monotony of the working world, it can also be used humorously to depict a busy life. Now that you are aware of the origin of this expression, you can utilize it with more context and understanding.